corporate travel assistance

What to ask for from a corporate travel assistance service

2020 changed the way we travel. Health restrictions and emergencies change rapidly from one day to the next. 

Therefore, as corporate travel gradually resumes, there will be a special emphasis on traveler safety to reduce any risks or mishaps during the trip.

Therefore, having a good assistance before and during the trip will be key to optimizing time and, in turn, increasing the traveler's safety. In addition, the traveler will be able to focus on what really matters: the reason for the trip.

When it comes to having a helpdesk, they must give us the possibility of contacting us by several channels (email, chat, call, etc.), as this will make communication much easier in case of any unforeseen event.

Here are some factors that our assistant should offer us in 2021:

Before starting our trip, we must not only know our destination, but rather our origin, i.e., the place from where we start. Our travel assistant should communicate to us those details that influence travel. This is because many countries are protecting themselves from those areas where the virus is having the strongest impact.

One example is the so-called COVID-19 traffic light, which was created by the member states of the European Union. This method consists of a unified color map to differentiate various levels of coronavirus risk. The COVID-19 traffic light consists of five colors: green, orange, red, dark red and gray. Therefore, those destinations in intense red color will indicate a higher incidence of coronavirus and, therefore, will have more travel restrictions. Once our assistant indicates this, we can continue with the preparation of our trip.

First of all, they must inform us of those documents We will have to know if it is necessary to present a negative PCR test for our destination, as this will determine whether or not we can enter our destination. For example, we will have to know if for our destination it is necessary to present a negative PCR test, as this will determine whether or not we can enter the place of destination. Not only that, in certain cases some countries may require us to quarantine for a certain period of time, which would greatly affect our travel plan.

Secondly, it is important to have a good source of information to be able to travel to our destination. Our assistant should send us a document of the mobility situation when we make a reservation at a destination. For example, there are many places with a curfew or limitations on the use of public transport. For this, you can consult the following free portal of target information.

On arrivalWe may also encounter some setbacks. In this case, the hotel where we are staying may be closed for COVID-19, and we may not be aware of it until we arrive. If so, we should contact our corporate travel assistant and ask for a solution.

It is also important to have good assistance during the assignment. As we have mentioned, restrictions can change every day and it can happen when we are on our trip. For example, let's imagine that the borders of the territory in which we are traveling are closed. In this case, our assistant must to take care of the traveler and therefore, give us a solution to be able to return to our origin when necessary.

In addition, due to the current situation, there are different problems related to the airlines. That is, it may happen that on the date of return to our origin we have problems with our flights. Cases of flight cancellations or delays due to low occupancy or other COVID-19 related effects are common.

In short, many factors are changing the way we travel for business in 2021. For this, we must be prepared and bet on the safety and health of the traveler. This is where we must make sure that our assistance service fulfills the function of helping us, since this task can be addressed by professionals who will facilitate the procedures to start our trip without inconveniences. 

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