August is a month in which many of us take the opportunity to plan our business trips for next fall. And here we also went to the airports to enjoy the last days of our summer vacation.
To help make your trips easier and more fun, we've compiled the best tips for our business trips.
Tip #1: Never check in your baggage
One of the most important things to keep in mind, in our opinion, is to carry only one hand luggage.
Turn it into the perfect Mary Poppins suitcase, so no matter how many days you're away, so you don't check baggage.
This means you don't have to worry about lost or damaged luggage. Nor will you have to wait for the luggage to come off the belt. This is essential if the schedule of your work appointments is close to your landing.
For everything to fit, the first thing you have to do is put your shoes in bags and lay them on the bottom of your suitcase, using fillers such as socks, bras and underwear. Creating a flat surface where you ensure that every inch of space is maximized.
Always carry a bag of toiletries, so you don't have to think about it. And place a plastic dry-cleaning bag over your clothes. Because it will help you avoid wrinkles and keep your clothes pristine for the meetings that await you.
Tip #2: Use apps to help you know before you go
If you want to make traveling more comfortable, there's an app for that.
One of those that can help you the most on a business trip is the application belonging to the airline or the service where you manage your trip. Since it will allow you to carry your ticket, and you can quickly access it to present it and see which door and terminal you have to take.
Other fundamental applications are applications for understanding the weather and traffic. Because you don't want to leave the plane without an umbrella, in case it's raining, or you'll be able to see if there are delays on flights or roads due to weather, accidents, or other reasons.
You can use an application like Waze, to help you know how long it will take you to get to the airport, with real-time traffic updates.
Tip #3: Bring Snacks
Before leaving for the airport, buy and pack a pack of Snacks in your suitcase.
This way, you'll have a quick and space-saving food to take in your stomach, without being left at the mercy of airport vendors or in flight, who tend to have quite high prices.
Tip #4: Make Flight Time Yours
It is not recommended to work on airplanes. We recommend using them as a “disconnect time” to catch up on TV programs, series or podcasts that you have been late for. Normally, in most services, they allow you to download the program to be able to watch or listen to it offline.
Take time out in the air to do something that makes you feel good.
Tip #5: Change your routine to the local time zone in advance
There is a small trick to reduce or eradicate jet lag. And this is to keep up with the time zone you're going to. For example, going to sleep on the plane when it's time to go to bed at your destination, even if it's daytime where you come from. And never take naps once you've landed.
Tip #6: Create Space to Explore
Don't forget to take some time for yourself once you land. When traveling for work, make sure you try to do at least one thing for yourself that's unique in the city. Visit a location, walk 30 minutes in the park, or just put your feet in the sand. Something that will make you stop, breathe and appreciate being somewhere other than your home.
Going for a run is also a good way to see more of the place you're visiting. It's an easy way to explore and exercise, to oxygenate your mind and give you vitality to face your work meetings in this new place.
Tip #7: Embrace travel
Traveling can be stressful, but it can also be beautiful. Don't let the negative parts of the trip, such as delays, stress you out. Instead, think about the positive aspects, such as getting to see and experience different cultures and meeting interesting people.
Being a traveling leader can also strengthen your team. Traveling forces us to multitask more and to lead work teams from afar, thus developing a communication style so that others can also make decisions in our absence and keep things moving. We can't be everywhere at once, so it's key to make sure you have a strong foundation with your team.
Traveling can also remind you that you are a strong person. Feel the sense of independence and power when we travel.
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